Category: Delivery & Ordering

2024 Online Food Ordering and Delivery Trends That can Help Increase Restaurant Profits
June 8, 2024

With rising operational, labor, and food costs, it's more important now than ever for restaurant operators to find strategic ways to grow their business. That's why we recently released results today for a national consumer survey on food delivery ordering habits. The study identifies two clear areas for growth opportunity; Online ordering and in-house food delivery. 

2024 Ordering Predictions for The Big Game and National Pizza Day
January 31, 2024

How to Maximize Sales on Two Huge Days for The Pizza Industry 2024 Pizza Industry Trends Two of the biggest

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Manual Order Re-Entry Into Your POS Is A Profit-Killer
August 22, 2023

What if we told you manually re-entering orders from all your delivery apps into your POS is more than just

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HungerRush POS Wins In Pizza: Menu and Delivery Management
January 5, 2023

Authored by: David Werner (Vice President of Product Marketing) Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash Most POS service providers

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How to Set Up Food Delivery Without Paying 30% Commissions On Every Order
February 1, 2022

Authored by: Shannon Chirone (Vice President - B2C Product Marketing) Source: Canva Third-party delivery apps might have been your lifeboat

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Restaurants Must Control Their Digital Ordering Experience
March 4, 2021

The impact of the last year has fast-tracked the restaurant industry's need for digital ordering, particularly for off-premises dining options.

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Level-Up Your Drive-Thru to Boost Revenue
February 23, 2021

An on-going challenge for QSR operators is learning how to serve guests quickly and accurately while providing superior customer service.

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Restaurant Delivery Services Will Be Vital to Get Through Winter: Here’s How to Prepare
December 8, 2020

Winter has officially arrived, and with it brings new challenges for restaurant owners. It was already challenging for restaurant owners

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Restaurant Menu Ideas That Maximize Your Profit Margin
November 24, 2020

As a restaurant owner, cutting costs and increasing profits are always top-of-mind, especially in this day and age, where the

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How to Increase Delivery Sales with Integrated Delivery Management Technology
June 9, 2020

Because of state-mandated closures and social distancing guidelines from the (CDC) in the wake of COVID-19. 92% of restaurant business has

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Driving Off-Premises Sales with a Restaurant Mobile Ordering App
May 19, 2020

The restaurant industry seems to be changing from a dine-in model to an off-premises model—and it’s doing so at an accelerating

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Restaurant Menu Modification: How Flexibility is Crucial to Survive COVID-19
April 28, 2020

Social distancing guidelines and stay-at-home restrictions during the COVID-19 outbreak make it necessary for restaurants to innovate. Online ordering and delivery, already

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