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 5 Wild Weather Woes Solved for Your Restaurant


Wild Weather Woes Solved for your Restaurant

Photo by Joe M of Pizaro’s Pizza

Restaurant environments are harsh on computer equipment and wild weather can also play a huge factor in your ability to operate seamlessly. Even in a mild office or home environment, all computers and components are subject to failure. At some point, every business will be confronted with some type of computer failure that results in data loss. While the cause of data loss and data corruption varies, not all are easily fixed. Many businesses overlook the importance of data backups until they suffer the unexpected loss or corruption of valuable data.  Use the following tips to make sure that you’re able to move forward with business as usual after any emergency is behind you. 

#1 Backing up your data  

At install, our team sets a backup path and explains the 3 paths for recovery. We also confirm that the backup is completed while we are onsite. This will be helpful for when wild weather occurs and puts a stop to your day to day business.

Failed Backup Redundancy: Backups are usually scheduled to be performed when your location is closed or early in the morning. If a proper Backup is not made for more than three days, HungerRush will prompt you to manually create one on the Close Day screen. You cannot complete the Close Day process unless a Backup was successfully created. If an error occurs and the backup is not successful, you will want to contact our 24×7/365 HungerRush Customer Support line to assist in resolving the problem.  A Backup can fail for several reasons, but the most common reasons are low disk space or the external drive that HungerRush was making the Backup to, has been removed. 

#2: Create your emergency checklist: Planning for Wild Weather

  • Build a list of emergency contacts and phone numbers 
  • Focus on your inventory – what do you need on hand to get through any given situation 
  • Consider adding hardware and services that can be used as a supplement to your normal operations 
  • Check your backup and save the database somewhere offsite for redundancy 
  • Have a plan for closing your business in the event of an emergency (Build out 5 simple steps) 
    1. Batch all credit cards 
    2. Turn off online ordering 
    3. Deposit cash in store 
    4. Notify employees 
    5. Notify your customers 

#3: Now what? How to get back to basic operations quickly after Wild Weather 

  • Check on your staff and make sure everyone is staying safe  
  • Focus on your inventory – what do you have on-hand 
  • Use menu control to update menu options based on supply availability for your customers 
  • Request your customer list and plan to send a communication to your customers that you are open & ready to serve 
  • Make sure your team is trained on processing forced transactions if the internet is down  

#4: Software to help keep your business running 

  • Adjust hours as needed  
  • Set up and send a bulk reward
  • Leverage DoorDash Drive as an alternative for delivery 
  • Consider adjusting Estimated Time Increments depending on staff, supplies and order volume 
  • Enable throttling to control order volumes in your kitchen and set accurate expectations with your customers 

#5: Hardware option

  • Backup credit card reader 
  • Backup printer 

Check out other Industry tips and tricks from QSR’s Checklist.

By HungerRush





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