Why is Corsair investing in HungerRush?
Corsair has significant experience investing in and supporting growth at payments and software companies and sees tremendous growth potential at HungerRush.
HungerRush’s proven ability to deliver value to its clients, flexible and scalable software capabilities, premier data analytics, and AI-driven ordering system makes it a natural fit within Corsair’s portfolio.
How does this change the direction of the company?
The short answer is that it won’t. This transaction will enable HungerRush to benefit from Corsair’s deep payments and software expertise to support the Company as we continue to execute our strategic plan to accelerate growth and enhance product and technology offerings. The transaction will also provide additional support for the Company to pursue further M&A to expand our capabilities and reach.
How does this transaction impact customers and partners?
This transaction will not impact our day-to-day business nor our relationships with customers and partners. Our mission, vision, and goal of helping restaurants will now be further amplified by this partnership. Current contracts and customer commitments will be maintained.
Will this affect which HungerRush management or employees I work with? Will my support team change?
Our management team remains unchanged. Perry Turbes, Chief Executive Officer of HungerRush, will continue to lead the Company supported by a fantastic executive team.
Additionally, our account management and live customer support teams will be unchanged, and we will continue to strive to provide best-in-class support to our customers every day.
Will the cost of HungerRush products and services change?
There will be no immediate changes to any current products or prices as a result of this transaction. As we move towards better packages and solution sets and launch new products, we’ll always strive to price our tools and services in a way that supports our customers’ success.